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Winter Demon (Vol. 1)

Category: Manga
Genre: Shonen-ai/Yaoi
Language: English
Description: Publisher - YaoiPress
Condition - Good

When three ruthless fire demons come to terrorize the monk Hakuin's village he's forced to seek help from Fuyu, the snow demon who tormented him a year ago. Fuyu is thrilled to see his beautiful monk again. He'll defeat the demons only if Hakuin becomes his willing slave. Fuyu realizes too late that the fire demons are out of his league. Even worse, the lead demon thinks the fey Fuyu would make a nice slave in his own right. When Fuyu is put in the same position he put Hakuin a year ago he starts to realize the error of his ways. Maybe, in time, he can even be redeemed to his beloved monk. Also, a pacifist is forced to bring an assassin to a rival lord. It doesn't help that the assassin is part of the group who wiped out the pacifist's race. So why are they sleeping together?

Offered by: neko_model
Will trade for: See my wishlist or make me an offer; will also trade for a drawing if you have any artistic talent!
Location: Redcliffe , Brisbane, Queensland , Australia

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